Call for IASSIDD Board Directors 2024

Nomination for Board Directors

IASSIDD is seeking nominations from motivated members who support the mission and values of the Association, to join the Board of Directors from 1 January 2024 for up to a three-year term.

The Board is responsible for the strategic direction, governance and oversight of IASSIDD’s operations. The Board membership consists of the President and up to nine other Directors who fill strategic portfolio positions appointed by the Board.

Appointment of the President

The President-Elect was elected in 2020 by a resolution passed at the IASSIDD Council and the position of President is therefore not for election in this election cycle.


Individuals who meet the criteria to serve as Directors as outlined in the IASSIDD Bylaws may be nominated. The criteria are outlined in Article VII, Section 1. See the link below for access to the updated bylaws.

Time Commitment

Directors will commit to up to 12 virtual monthly Board meetings in the first year of the term, and regular Board meetings thereafter. In addition, Directors will lead strategic activities in the area of their appointed position, including portfolio and committee meetings and other portfolio specific activities.

Role and Responsibilities of all Directors

All nominated Directors will comply with IASSIDD Bylaws Article VI, Sections 1, 2.

Elected Directors will, additionally, comply with the descriptions set out in the Bylaws for each portfolio. The Bylaws describe the roles and responsibilities of elected Directors who are appointed to specific Board portfolios as follows:

Secretary: Description as per Bylaws Article VII, Section 4.

Treasurer: Description as per Bylaws Article III, Section 4; Article VII, Section 4.

Academy: Description as per Bylaws Article IV.

Congresses: Description as per Bylaws Article X, Sections 1, 2.

Governance, Publications and Policy: Description as per Bylaws Article VIII, Section 3.

Memberships, Communication and Marketing: Support as per Bylaws Article II, Section 1; Article V.

SIRG Coordination: Description per Bylaws article III.

Procedure for Call for Nominations for Board Directors

Please complete the form via the link below if you are either a person nominating someone or the person who is being nominated.

IASSIDD Board Nomination Form

Self-nominations are encouraged. We request that all nominations be supported by two additional IASSIDD members.

The nominee shall provide a 300 – 400-word statement that includes an outline of the nominee’s interests, as well as experience and skills that would be relevant to the service of IASSIDD as a member of the Board.

Please contact Jennifer Zarcone, Secretary for any questions:

Note: The Board roles to which elected Directors are appointed will be determined by the Board after election.

Closing Date for Nominations

The closing date for submission of completed nominations is 30 October 2023.

International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) 

The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) is the first and only world-wide group dedicated to the scientific study of intellectual disability.

Founded in 1964 as the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, IASSIDD is an international, interdisciplinary and scientific non-governmental organization which promotes worldwide research and exchange of information on intellectual disabilities.