Disability & Technology

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Disability & Technology Affinity Group (DTAG)

Our Mission:

The Affinity Group ‘Disability & Technology’ (DTAG) focuses on the whole spectrum of the impact and embedding of information and communication technologies on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and in their lives. Equal consideration is given to the opportunities and possibilities as well as the challenges and risks associated with the use of technology.

The mission of the DTAG is:

  • To reduce digital inequity through the promotion of accessible technology, digital literacy enhancement, and affordable internet connectivity for all.
  • To promote inclusive and universal design principles, considering diverse needs and abilities.
  • To foster innovation and quality improvement in communication of all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities using technology, including those with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities who use augmentative and alternative communication.
  • To critically observe and constructively shape Artificial Intelligence developments to support digital participation and positively manage risks.
  • To advocate for technological accessibility to policy makers, service providers, technology developers and other key groups in the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
  • To consider ethical issues regarding the opportunity to have a choice, privacy, data protection, gatekeeping, and consent.

DTAG provides a framework for the dissemination of information relating to the research interests, expertise, and publications of group members. Interdisciplinary exchange facilitates the early assessment and evaluation of new technologies in a research stage to identify possibilities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The overarching goal is to promote the quality of life, well-being, and self-determination of individuals with Intellectual and developmental disabilities.

The Affinity Group works by means of a newsletter, website, and roundtable conferences. The group also makes several contributions to the European, Asia-Pacific and World Congresses of IASSIDD and the IASSIDD Academy. The interests of early career scientists are considered.

The Executive Committee Members:

Dr. Peter Zentel

Professor in the Department of Special Education at the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany. His research focuses on education of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. More specifically, he is interested in research on the situation of people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities and the potential of information and communication technologies including artificial intelligence, for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Dr. Vincent Bemmel

The Director of Technology and Innovation at Catalight in Walnut Creek, California.  He leads the research on ICT solutions that enhance the wellbeing of people with IDD,  and directs feasibility pilots with the client community.   In addition, he spearheads innovation efforts that lead to in new modalities of service, and conducts qualitative research to gain clinical insights from large amounts of data collected through their practice.

Dr. Darren D. Chadwick

An Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. His work focusses on enhancing the wellbeing of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He specialises in the use of information and communication technologies by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their carers. His current cyberpsychology research considers digital health, community inclusion, identity and online risks for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, carer support and use of online support communities.

Dr. Claude L. Normand

Professor since 2004 in the Department of Psychoeducation and Psychology at the Université du Québec en Outaouais, in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. Her research focuses on the barriers and facilitators to social participation and inclusion of people with intellectual or neurodevelopmental disabilities, at all stages of life. More specifically, she is interested in their social participation in cyberspace and the inequity in access, support and usage of ICT.

International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) 

The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) is the first and only world-wide group dedicated to the scientific study of intellectual disability.

Founded in 1964 as the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, IASSIDD is an international, interdisciplinary and scientific non-governmental organization which promotes worldwide research and exchange of information on intellectual disabilities.