The IASSIDD Congress Logo is based on a original painting of Edward Teeuw. An artist for Galerie Atelier Herenplaats, Rotterdam. This outsider art studio provides art spaces for approximately 40 artists and have bi-monthly in-house exhibitions.

[invicta_heading primary_line=”Value Diversity, Amsterdam, 6 – 8 July 2021″]

Dear colleagues and friends,

To all of you, you have made this 6th Virtual IASSIDD Congress a real success! We can tell by the number of registrations, attendees during live sessions, the on demand views, and the comments and interaction on the congress platform.

Many of us were used to on-site congresses and thought this is next best – since we have to deal with the pandemic. For others, the world opened up, being able to join our congress virtually meant attending a congress for the first time. We really must think, as the IASSIDD community, how we envision our future in many ways to not only Value Diversity, but Act Diversity.

Thank you all for your online presence and active participation, we can look back on an inspiring congress with a great atmosphere in the studio and at the online platform. A special thanks to Denise Kroesen and Evan Dorrestein from SUBSTREAM. They did a marvelous job in close captioning – and even simultaneous translation from Dutch into English. You did an amazing job that made our virtual congress much more inclusive!

The opening, the live sessions (roundtables, workshops and symposia) and keynote debates are recorded and will be displayed on the platform. You can find them during the congress on the platform in the “On demand 5-8 July” tile. AFTER the congress, all registered participants will receive an email with a link, to watch all recordings (including the oral & poster presentations) of the congress. This link is accessible until September 1st 2021

It was our pleasure to meet you online!

Alice Schippers,

Vice-president Europe IASSIDD, Congress chair

[invicta_heading alignment=”left” primary_line=”Congress Theme: Value Diversity”]

IASSIDD’s 2018 European congress was marked by Celebrating Differences. Although a hopeful and celebratory theme, one of the congress’ main goals has been to cast a critical eye on those areas in society that need improvement. In light of current worldwide developments, the current theme explicitly refers to the changes we need to see.

The COVID-19 pandemic is a disruptive force, a crisis that at the same time accelerates and reveals the effects of exclusionary (neoliberal) societal structures. The Black Lives Matter movement is further disrupting the status quo by fiercely protesting the racism that has been at the root of many injustices around the colonized world for so long. The pandemic, BLM and disability rights all intersect at various crucial points, including police violence, the exclusion from important healthcare practices and resources, and the overall violation of human rights. In order to tackle such issues at their core, it has to be recognized that we need to Value Diversity. There is value to humankind in finally embracing what has been undervalued in the past: to value diversity means to move forward on the path towards social inclusion for people with disabilities and towards equality for all. This matter needs to be seriously considered through scientific study and information sharing, through debate on how social structures exclude people with intellectual and developmental disabilities from participating in society.

We need to value diversity in political and media representation to include perspectives and in- and output from all walks of life. We need to value diversity in healthcare policies to create specialised treatments and fair prioritisation, and to raise awareness of the reciprocity of relationships between people with disabilities and their families/caregivers, who rely on each other’s proximity for their well-being. We need to value diversity in designing a “New Normal” in which nobody will be left behind, and in which the rights and privileges of one group will not impede those of another.

[invicta_heading primary_line=”Congress Programme”][invicta_button label=”CLICK HERE for the full CONGRESS PROGRAMME!” url=”https://www.eventure-online.com/eventure/login.form?U06ce101c-4d0c-47e5-878b-1cc82f8c5cd4″ target=”_blank” size=”large”]
[invicta_heading primary_line=”Congress Abstract Book “][invicta_button label=”CLICK HERE for the Abstract Book – Wiley Online” url=”https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jar.12917″ target=”_blank” size=”large”][invicta_button label=”CLICK HERE for the Abstract Book – PDF” url=”https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/My0dRk8Rdk6kGKW” target=”_blank” size=”large”]
[invicta_heading alignment=”left” primary_line=”Our sponsors”]
[invicta_heading alignment=”left” primary_line=”Congress Organiser”]

Contact the Congress Organiser directly for any questions.

Events Center Amsterdam UMC
VUmc | Medische Faculteit C2
Van der Boechorststraat 7
1881 BT Amsterdam

International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) 

The International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IASSIDD) is the first and only world-wide group dedicated to the scientific study of intellectual disability.

Founded in 1964 as the International Association for the Scientific Study of Mental Deficiency, IASSIDD is an international, interdisciplinary and scientific non-governmental organization which promotes worldwide research and exchange of information on intellectual disabilities.